10 Most Shocking Vince McMahon Controversies

By 11:27 , ,

5. Bullying In The Workplace

Vince McMahon Ashley Massaro 2

CM Punk once broadly said "Let me recount to you an individual anecdote about Vince McMahon okay. We do this entire domineering jerk battle… " keeping in mind we'll never comprehend what that story was, there's unquestionably enough to look over in the matter of Vince McMahon. 
There are endless stories of scholars being famished while they work and being reluctant to such an extent as wheeze, because of McMahon's odd contempt of the automatic activity. 

McMahon's unusual macho code has blocked the professions of a few promising youthful stars, only in light of the fact that they don't respond to circumstances in the way he'd anticipate that them will. At the point when Tough Enough champ Andy Leavine took an unscripted slap from McMahon without retaliating, it obviously soured the supervisor on the victor and when John Morrison didn't get revenge on Batista for taking his better half, his profession endured thu

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