10 Most Shocking Vince McMahon Controversies

By 11:24 ,

6. The Montreal Screwjob

Bret Screwed Bret Vince

In the late nineties, following a multi-decade contract fell through and under the asking of Vince McMahon himself, Bret Hart was prepared to leave WWF for WCW, however at the time he was still WWF Champion. Survivor Series 1997 was Bret's last match with the organization, and he was planned to face his long-term proficient and individual adversary Shawn Michaels, and was relied upon to drop the title on out. 

The one issue was that Bret declined to lose the title to his opponent in Montreal, and regardless of the greater part of WWF's endeavors, they couldn't persuade him. He did have sensible inventive control composed into his agreement, all things considered. 
Following a night of conceptualizing thoughts, it was chosen they would essentially authentically end the match early and crown Michaels the champion regardless, and when Shawn Michaels secured Bret's mark Sharpshooter the arbitrator required the chime, naming the Heartbreak Kid the new WWF Champion.

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