7 Times John Cena Was A Terrible Human

By 07:35 ,

7. Vickie Guerrero And Fat Jokes

John Cena Vickie Guerrero
I'm not by any means beyond any doubt how, however the dowager of a standout amongst the most dearest identities in the historical backdrop of wrestling wound up turning into a standout amongst the most disdained characters on WWE TV amid her on-screen residency. In spite of this, her on-screen position of force didn't generally prompt her increasing any appreciation from the lion's share of individuals on the show, and it appeared that Vickie Guerrero's opportunity on WWE TV was spent continually as the object of jokes. 

The greater part of these jokes rotated around her appearance obviously, on the grounds that WWE regularly has the comical inclination of a nine-year old youngster. WWE's sentiment of females without what is thought to be society's vision of an immaculate body is all around archived, and any individual who set out not take after that vision of setting themselves up for scorn. We all recall the absolutely ridiculous Piggy James storyline, yet even that could not hope to compare to the torrent of misuse Vickie Guerrero got. 

Presently, such jokes have a spot on scripted TV clearly, yet in a show of WWE's structure without a doubt they ought to originate from the awful fellows, prompting them getting their consequent comeuppance? This was the situation in the Mickie James/Lay-Cool story said above. The entire thing was disagreeable, however in any event it finished with McCool and Layla getting their rear ends gave to them. Where was Vickie Guerrero's retaliation?

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