7 Times John Cena Was A Terrible Human

By 07:30 ,

John Cena is WWE’s heroic babyface but he’s not the role model

AJ Lee John Cena

For more than 10 years now, John Cena has been the main babyface in World Wrestling Entertainment. Notwithstanding successive calls for him to turn heel from areas of the crowd, he has worn the greatest of white caps for a whole decade and this won't be changing at any point in the near future. Without a doubt, the conventional face/heel parts aren't as clear nowadays, yet there's no denying that on paper Cena is at least somewhat confront. He ascends against the obnoxious heels, defeats the chances and recoveries the day. Whether it is against the insidious nonnative, the rampaging group assaults, the obsessive hillbillies or even R-Truth, if there's a poisonous malevolence in progress in the WWE Universe the chances are Cena will transcend the hate to annihilate it. 

In the meantime, John Cena (the character) is inclined to acts that one would typically take up with the pits of mankind. No one is flawless, obviously, however Cena is an anecdotal character that is immovably in favor of good, and in this way his character stooping to the lows recorded here is particularly difficult to accept. He lectures of Hustle, Loyalty and Respect, yet regularly misses the mark regarding his own ideology. What great a pioneer who doesn't regard his own mantra?

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