Top 19 WTF events in WWE NXT

By 23:41 , ,

11. Emma Laying It In… Hard
We all know who the strong laborers in WWE are. For example, Sheamus have a notoriety for laying it in – capably it must be said – amid a match to give the most valid feel. 
In any case, in the event that you find the opportunity to see this match, look at a percentage of the strikes from Emma. It really appears as though she's slaughtering poor Mary Kate by genuinely hitting her. 
The beginner practically stripped Emma of her undercrackers ahead of schedule in the match before things turned appalling. Possibly the previous primary list star was irritated by this, perhaps she was working amazingly cozy. 
In any case, it was horribly excruciating review now and again… Emma truly is brutal.

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