8 Facts Of Survivor WWE Series Which Make it Flop Show of 2015

By 03:41 , ,

4. Match Quality

Notwithstanding a large number of the matches feeling surged, there wasn't anything genuinely noteworthy on the card. Indeed, even the most uneventful or unbiasedly terrible WWE shows can as a rule be depended on for a couple of good-to-extraordinary sessions. The previously stated Fastlane – as horrid as it was – still gave us the phenomenal Cesaro and Kidd versus The Usos match, a great Cena/Rusev conflict and the noteworthy headliner including Reigns tackling Daniel Bryan. 
There was nothing on this card with the nature of any of those three with the conceivable special case of Ambrose versus Owens. In case you're one for star evaluations, there's ostensibly not one four star match to be found here, and that is astounding considering the reliably high caliber of the ring work we see from WWE stars. The nonappearance of workhorses like Rollins, Cesaro and Cena was plainly felt.

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