The Top 10 Craziest Rumours In WWE History

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5. The Ultimate Warrior’s Death Cover Up


The Ultimate Warrior and WWE champion got to be acclaimed in the late 80s. He emerged by concealing his face behind a neon-painted veil and making high-vitality doors wherein he would sprint down the incline and keep running in circles around the ring before shaking the ropes. 

First and foremost of the 90s, he had a dropping out with the WWE because of agreement arrangement issues. However, he made an arrival at Wrestlemania 8, where a peculiar gossip began. Numerous fans began to trust that the genuine Ultimate Warrior had passed on and been supplanted with another wrestler claiming to be the same one. Individuals thought his look seemed changed and saw an adjustment in his exhibitions. The bits of gossip held on throughout the years regardless of the possibility that Jim Hellwig, who played the character, demanded they were untrue. Hellwig passed away in April 2014.

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