WWE wants its fans to forget 10 things about Paige

By 13:19 , ,

8. Her Weird First Title Win

Paige's primary program debut in April 2014 was surely a stunning one. As NXT Women's Champion, she showed up on Raw the night after WrestleMania 30, saluting AJ Lee on her title barrier. The heel Divas Champion then slapped Paige, testing her to a quick match. Shockingly, the newcomer won in seconds. 
At first glance, this sounds like a promptly energizing edge – which it was, to a degree. On the other hand, it was kept down by two noteworthy issues. Firstly, the completion of the match didn't go as easily as arranged. Paige hit the Paige Turner (her finisher at the time), however the spot was somewhat miscommunicated, and didn't create the move's typical effect. 
Also, Paige's identity didn't generally get over by any means. She at first strutted out as a heelish, cocksure upstart, just to wind up an apprehensive, underdog babyface the minute AJ issued her test. It appears a basic method for breaking down it, however the entire portion can just truly be depicted as peculiar.

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