WWE wants its fans to forget 10 things about Paige

By 13:33 , ,

5. The Worst Heel Turn Of The Decade So Far?

As specified, the 'Divas Revolution' has been panned since its commencement for its poor booking. A ton has been said in regards to the confounding, counter-intuitive nature of the whole storyline – yet no episode was harder to take after than Paige's possible heel turn and split from Team PCB. 
The point seemed to occur backward. It started all around ok, with Charlotte winning the Divas Championship and Paige displaying inconspicuous indications of desire. In any case, WWE then instantly hopped the firearm, tossing the storyline into confusion. Paige rapidly cut a scorching promo on her partners, apparently turning heel all the while. 
At that point, over the accompanying couple of weeks, Charlotte and Becky started to address whether they could trust Paige – regardless of the previous NXT Champion airing her grievances in an extremely unequivocal design, directly before them. 
Bafflingly, Paige then asked for pardoning, and endeavored to win back the support of her fellow team members. At last, with numerous fans prepared to abandon the edge inside and out, she snapped and assaulted both Becky and Charlotte, solidifying a heel turn which apparently happened a month or somewhere in the vicinity earlier.

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