Top 10 Midcarders in WWE History Who Had Impressive Finishing Moves

By 03:32 , ,

1. Jake DDT ‘The Snake’ Roberts
There just couldn't be a rundown of the best completing moves utilized by wrestlers who never came to the exceptionally top of the card without including ostensibly the most celebrated move ever contrived, the DDT. 
Made and made acclaimed by Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, the DDT has been so diluted that it scarcely hopes to hurt the adversary nowadays, not to mention thump them oblivious. 
A sufficiently straightforward move, the DDT sees Jake lock his adversary in a front headlock before driving them head-first into the canvas. Not awful for a move which was made totally coincidentally! (Roberts slipped while applying a front facelock) 
The DDT has turned out to be so diluted that everybody and their mom utilizes the move nowadays, yet the first was unquestionably one of the best finishers ever.

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