Top 10 Midcarders in WWE History Who Had Impressive Finishing Moves

By 02:34 , , ,

6. The Godfather (Pimp Drop)
The Godfather was best known for his vivid clothing, carefree persona and picking to party on his "Ho" Train as opposed to any capacity to square up to a rival in the ring. Be that as it may, when Godfather did hunker down and get to business, it was lights-out for anybody sufficiently unfortunate to taste his Pimp Drop finisher, a staggering move. 
The Pimp Drop is another name for the Death Valley Driver, and before individuals let me know that John Cena utilizes the DVD week as a part of and week out on WWE TV, permit me to counter by saying he doesn't execute it the same way Godfather did (which, unexpectedly, is likewise the right way). 
While Cena's Attitude Adjustment is essentially a fire fighter's convey into a hammer, the Pimp Drop takes everything that is risky about the Death Valley Driver and keeps running with it, driving the unfortunate beneficiaries head and neck into the mat. It's fantastically high-hazard.

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