12 Hollywood Horror Movies That Are Way Too Hot

By 09:50 ,

12. Antichrist

IFC Films
The words Danish, trial, rough loathsomeness and realistic hot romantic scenes should be synonymous with Lars Von Trier. Despite the fact that Antichrist is the true to life likeness running finger nails down a board, while bare and crushing your private parts to bits with something dull and overwhelming. 
Horrendously, Antichrist uses sex and sexuality as a method for incitement, startlingly introducing the scenes – which were unsimulated obviously – in a manner that should excite, before pulling the floor covering without end and crushing male private parts.

11. Species

As detestations go, it's not too startling – however as the Alien establishment demonstrated, the thought of irate extraordinary gentility gnawing back and being all penetratey has its minutes – yet you get the feeling that no one ever thought about that some portion of it. Since model turned "on-screen character" Henstridge (whose most well known late film is the not-spin-off spin-off of Raging Bull) invests the vast majority of the energy (in the establishment) taking her garments off to bed a long line of men who then kick the bucket unpleasant.

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