10 Amazing Facts About Doctor Who

By 03:38 ,

9. Handles Means More Than You Think

Image result for Handles Means More Than You Think

There have been a lot of parallels in the middle of Sherlock and the Doctor, particularly amid a year ago's Christmas uncommon, when Eleven mimicked Holmes. It's just characteristic when you look through Steven Moffat's written work credits and notice two rather extensive crests. 
In any case, does the Doctor's Cyberman head, Handles, help you to remember Sherlock's skull? On the off chance that you wish to make a more artistic correlation, I offer you Yorick, of Hamlet. Furthermore, in the event that you've never perused/seen Hamlet, attempt The Lion King first. No Cyber heads in that, however loads of Hakuna Matata. 
What I'm attempting to get at, is that there's an importance in the Doctor bearing a skull, whether it's a science fiction skull or not. Skulls are frequently used to bring out the topic Memento Mori ("Remember you should kick the bucket" in English); they're not simply utilized for mournful impact, they're there to demonstrate how transient and momentary life can be.

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