10 Amazing Facts About Doctor Who

By 04:01 ,

2. He Drops The Bow Tie

Have you taken a look at the Christmas Carol before the Xmas; it was rehashed on Watch. What's more, in the event that you take a gander at Kazran Sardick's clothing, he begins wearing a tie when he gets to be companions with the Doctor. 
It's symbol of the Smith time; even Clara's outfit in 'The Time of the Doctor' had neckties on it. What's more, like the utilization in 'A Christmas Carol', is it not fitting that in his last minutes, the Eleventh Doctor dropped his symbol upon the TARDIS floor? 
It was just about a sign that he's not going to be supplanted. It's not an instance of one in, one out; this new Doctor is another man, another character, and he won't get where the last one left off. He dropped the tie in light of the fact that that is the end of its residency, not the continuation of it through another performing artist.

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