10 Epic Million Dollar Ideas WWE Refuse To Use

By 14:23 , ,

9. Bring Back WCW


Bringing back WCW, in whatever design, is certain to be a cash producer for WWE. So why don't they isn't that right? Old injuries and waiting sharpness can be the main conceivable clarification. 

The truth of the matter is that WCW DVD accumulations are constantly beat merchants for WWE. At that point take a gander at how they got Sting and made a huge amount of exposure, or the way the Monday Night War arrangement was one of the enormous unique offering purposes of the WWE Network. It is evidently clear that WCW sentimentality is profitable. 
A relaunched WCW on the Network, or re-marking Smackdown as WCW, sounds way more fascinating than a portion of the non specific yield that fans are as of now subjected to.

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