WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella Injured

By 06:54 , ,

Details on her injury and prognosis.


Nikki Bella is working with a somewhat isolated shoulder, the Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports. 

This damage is bringing on the WWE Divas Champion some torment and inconvenience, yet won't oblige her to abandon the title. She's ready to work through it, most as of late contending with Paige and Tamina Snuka at WWE's The Beast In The East show. 

Nikki's had a quite enhanced year with WWE, taking more noteworthy pride in her exhibitions and putting on some OK matches. She's still at risk to blunders and awful exhibitions, however is all in all a ton more athletic and smoother in the ring than she used to be. Her execution at The Beast In The Beast was one of her best, which is significantly more noteworthy when you think she performed with the damage upsetting her. 

It would seem that the arrangement at this moment is to keep the Divas title on her for the long haul. She's had the belt for 227 days (starting July ninth 2015) is still some path short of AJ Lee's record 295 day rule. 

It is believed that WWE need to eradicate that record from the history books now that AJ is resigned, so Nikki will hold the belt recent days and after that at last lose it to another diva. 

Before the year's over, Charlotte and Sasha Banks ought to be on the primary list, and you'd anticipate that one of them will be trying for the Divas title rapidly.

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