Vince Russo’s 10 Reasons WWE Will Never Be Great Again

By 08:35 ,

5. Too Much Emphasis On Wrestling / Wrestling Rules No Longer Apply

In a push to keep my rundown at ten, I'm combing so as to go to cheat here two focuses into one. Particularly with regards to TNA today, an excessive amount of accentuation is being placed on "in-ring" wrestling minutes in the show. At the end of the day, more matches less "show". This is so wrong on such a variety of basic levels. WRESTLING FANS WILL ALWAYS WATCH A WRESTLING SHOW, TELEVISION VIEWERS WON'T. 
On the off chance that you are a fanatic of wrestling, you will observe any show on TV that has the word WRESTLING in its title. In the event that you are a TV viewer and you don't care for wrestling—then you won't watch wrestling. In this manner, you need to catch the masses with an option that is other than "matches". You need to earn their consideration with alternate components of a network show that they are accustomed to seeing—dramatization, clash, sentiment, comic drama, viciousness, interest, and so forth. You need to make wrestling an ENTERTAINMENT show so as to catch standard America. That is precisely why the Attitude Era drew the masses—there was something for everybody.

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