9 Most Dominant WWE Divas Of 2014

By 05:04 , ,

4. Nikki Bella


As the noteworthy other of John Cena, it is hard to find sensitivity for Nikki Bella. That she seems to be to a great extent unlikable on occasion on the E! System reality show "Downright Divas" just makes it considerably more hard. 

By one means or another, WWE Creative figured out how to make Nikki thoughtful, because of some inconceivably old fashioned wrestling booking. 

With sister Brie occupied with a warmed competition with Stephanie McMahon, Nikki discovered herself the objective of The Authority. All of a sudden, she was constrained into impairment matches and sessions in which her arms were tied in the face of her good faith. Nikki was dependably off guard and, a larger number of times than not, twisted up lying in a stack. 

When she impacted Brie with a hard lower arm to the face, stunning the fans and prompting Stephanie's win over her sister at SummerSlam, it was to some degree justifiable. The abuse that she coordinated at her twin were not justifiable, however. 

"I wish you would have kicked the bucket in the womb!" she significantly shouted on a scene of Raw this past fall. 

Nikki would crush Brie at Hell in a Cell, gaining her sister's administration as her own particular individual right hand for 30 days, then vanquished AJ Lee to catch the Divas Championship after a far-fetched gathering with her kin at Survivor Series. 

Finishing the year as the Divas champion, Nikki has formed into an in number heel villainess as well as a fine in-ring entertainer. Her energy based offense helps her champion inside of the Divas program and her Rack Attack finisher is one of the more great finishers in all of WWE.

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