9 Most Dominant WWE Divas Of 2014

By 04:18 , ,

9. Lana

Not once did Lana wrestle a match in 2014 however she was totally instrumental in helping the compelling Rusev get over with the WWE Universe. 

Fans have seen numerous an outside heel land on the scene, just to fall flat wretchedly and creep back to wherever they originated from. Because of Lana and her express commitment to her part as social diplomat for the current United States champion, the Rusev character evoked genuine emotion with the crowd. 

The drop dead perfect blonde has demonstrated herself amazingly gifted on the mic. Her outward appearances and body developments all through Rusev's matches have helped add believability and authenticity to them. Try not to trust me? Hit up the WWE Network and keep your eyes on her as the Bulgarian Brute approaches rout because of Jack Swagger or Big Show.

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