7 Times John Cena Was A Terrible Human

By 07:51 ,

3. RIP Batista

John Cena Batista Car
At Over The Limit 2010, John Cena guarded his WWE title against one of his most noteworthy challengers, Batista, in an I Quit match. On the off chance that you've made it this far into the article then you are mindful of the guidelines of an I Quit match, yet in the event that not here we are; fundamentally you fight until one of the two contenders has had enough and expresses the words 'I Quit'. Obviously, 9/10 it is the heel that does as such and there's typically an exit from it all. On this night in 2010, Cena figured out how to get Batista to say the words 
by undermining to give him the Attitude Adjustment off of an auto onto the stage. Taking such a fall would have absolutely done long haul harm to Batista, so Dave carefully escaped from evade and took the misfortune. Cena had won the fight. 
Yet, this wasn't sufficient for our legend John Cena, a man who must transcend despise. Goodness. Despite the fact that he had won the match with his risk, despite the fact that he had created his unimaginably glad rival to perceptibly surrender, regardless he continued to divert Batista from the auto onto the steel underneath.

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