10 Signs WWE Divas Division Is About To Change

By 08:22 , ,

8. No More Models

Kelly Kelly Poker

Very nearly everybody harkens back to the Attitude Era as one of the best spans of time to be a wrestling fan, however the Divas dependably got the short end of the stick. Swimming outfit matches, night outfit fights, and stripping one another down in pudding bested a genuine wrestling match any day of the week. 

At the point when Jim Ross ventured in as the Vice President of Talent Relations, all of a sudden the list was penetrated by ladies wrestlers. They were still excellent, however rather than being set up for their looks alone, they could likewise kick butt. Ross disregarded his employment obligations to John Laurinaitis, who more likely than not been an enthusiast of the Attitude Era, on the grounds that the Divas division started retrogressing. Ladies like Kelly and The Bella Twins frequently showed up on Raw and SmackDown. The Bellas consummated their specialty while Kelly did not.

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